David Icke Announces, "It's True. It's True, Mate. I'm A Bloody Shapeshifting Reptilian Like The Queen!"

David And The Royal Family
 "I Can't Hide The Truth Anymore."

Says David, "Globally, feeble human beings are being kept and trapped in a 'five sense reality', feeding off negative energy created by fear and hate".

David added, "I can no longer deny it. I'm coming out of the closet and letting all of you bloody people know that I'm a shapeshifting reptile entity." 

Also, "Those who came before (all of the blue bloods) and the current queen of England, were and are still being ruled over and controlled by the reptilians!"

Says David, "Since the dawn of civilized man, the ruling class have been controlled by extra-terrestrial/dimensional beings, with an agenda which ultimately establishes the human race as mindless and robotic slaves to a system based on fear and control under the reptilians."

David claims, "Prominent individuals who possess reptilian-compatible bloodlines become reptilian when a reptilian entity completely inhabits their physical body."

Note: These elite rulers or royal bloodlines are Rh Negative (rhesus-negative) and they have what is referred to as a Hybrid Reptilian copper based blood factor.

Yet, this very small but globally powerful group rule our world today from behind closed doors. They are referred to as the Illuminati, the shadow government, the Bilderbergs, the elite, the leaders of the New World Order, and the rich and the powerful.

Just beyond the thin veneer of the reptilian's friendly exterior lies an emotionless obsession for control of others — the trademark of a reptilian. The cold stare in their eyes is an experience many have recounted upon close contact with their piercing and otherworldly gaze. They have absolutely no empathy for others, and the way they treat the general population is a classic example of hidden-in-plain-sight strategy. The saddest part of it all is that the reptilian individual, generally does not — cannot–recognize his own reptilian nature without a lot of insight and self-reflection.

The Reptilians have been around since the beginning of mankind and have been thought to have given the human race much of it's early technology, helped build the pyramids, worked with the Mayans, and helped start early religions pretending to be Gods and manipulating Adam and Eve to sin.

Unfortunately their final goal is to eventually enslave the human race in the "New World Order" and use humans for mining and other physical tasks when the time is right.

David Icke is a former professional soccer player, journalist, and network anchorman with the BBC. He was the spokesman in the 1980's for the British Green Party, and since 1990 a full time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world. He is the author of 15 books including, ''Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster' and his latest book, 'Infinite Love is the Only Truth - Everything Else is Illusion'. On his never ending quest for 'truth' he simply says - the cutting edge just moved. Never before has a book explained with such clarity why 'physical' reality is merely an illusion that only exists in our brain. But David Icke's information, presented in a way that everyone can understand, is a life-changing exposure of both the illusion we believe to be 'real' and the way this illusion is generated and manipulated to imprison us in a false reality.

Since 1990 when Icke had an encounter with a psychic who told him that he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose, he has continued with one goal. To know the truth and let others know the same.

Since then he has continued to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years - The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001) - set out a moral and political worldview that combines New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of what he sees as totalitarian trends in the modern world. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush and the Queen of England.

Icke has argued that the reptilians were the original authors of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - a 1903 Russian document purporting to be a plan by the Jewish people to achieve world domination.

Here's a summary of David's beliefs, "We have governments creating the condition for public opinion thereby giving the go-ahead for invasions and acts of slaughter that will in the end allow the elite to manipulate the global economies into collapsing thus allowing them to set up a reptilian led 'New World Order'". In essence, when the masses are afraid of these reptilians, they increasingly fall under the power of the Masonic Illuminati forces that permeate the corrupted bloodlines and they come under the control of and suffer from the pervasive and menacing power of the reptilians.

David's Website

The satire contained in this article and the fictional nature of it's content – even if based on real people and however similar to real events, is solely for entertainment.