Ma Xiangang Is Impervious To Electric Shock

Ma Xiangang is a man capable of something not many others are or would have a practical reason to be -- he can touch live wires filled with electricity and feel no pain whatsoever.

As with most superpower discoveries, Xiangang found his by acting a little crazy. One day when his television quit working, he went to the fuse box to try to get it to come back on, accidentally touching a live wire in the process. Normally this story would end with people standing around a pine box and telling their favorite Ma Xiangang stories, but instead of white hot electric death, Xiangang felt nothing at all. Rather than praise his good fortune and call an electrician, he decided to touch the wires again. You know, just to check.

Even more amazing is that even when touching live wires with hundreds of volts coursing through them, he feels no pain at all. In fact, Xiangang claims it makes him feel energetic. He claims he can give diathermic massages (deep tissue massages done with an electromagnet) using only his hands.

Everybody's reaction to electricity is a little different; it's influenced by everything from how thick you are, to how moist your skin is, to other changes in body chemistry. Xiangang appears to be an outlier on the high end of the scale. 

An electrician named Mr. Wang doubted the phenomenon. From his experience, Wang believed it was impossible. He used a voltmeter to thoroughly test whether he was actually getting 220 volts. The results of the test concluded that Ma was able to bear the 220 volts without any damage to his body.

Ma also underwent a series of tests at the physics laboratory in Haerbin Industry University. These test results showed that his body’s resistance was seven to eight times higher than a normal person’s resistance. 

And according to a Beijing Sci-Tech Report Ma Xiangang can fix electrical circuits by using his bare hands; he does not wear any safeguards. He can hold a positive wire in one hand and a negative wire in the other and a bulb will light up.

And yes, there are supposedly more people out there with abilities similar to Xiangang's. Jose Ayala can pass electricity through his body and use it to burn paper.